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Posts Tagged ‘National Osteoporosis Foundation’

October 20th, 2010

Bone Density Test, Simple, Quick, Painless, Women, Men, Osteoporosis, Can it Happen to You?



Four years ago I had a bone density test and yesterday I had another one because I was way overdue.  My mother has osteoporosis so I have to watch it. 

I started thinking that besides a few commercials on t.v., you really do not hear too much about it.  My doctor is one of those that does recommend it, but I don’t know if other doctors do so, as well, or they wait to hear if you have a family history.

I am telling you that it is the fastest test.  No prep or anything.  You just lie down and the machine scans over your body in just a few minutes.

The result of the test is called a T-score.  This compares your bone mass with a population of normal young adult women.  The bigger the negative number, the lower your bone mass.  If your score is -1.5 or below, you may be a candidate for treatment options.  The idea is to prevent more bone loss or reverse it, which would be great.

Osteoporosis is considered “the silent thief” because the disease progresses without symptoms or pain.  Left untreated then bones start to break, generally in the hip, spine or wrist.

It is not considered to be a “woman disease” anymore.  Men are a long neglected group that also develops osteoporosis.  There is a threat to about 2 million men in the U.S.  One in 4 men over 50 will have an osteoporosis related fractured in the remaining lifetime.  Since we are living longer the percentages will be increasing.

For more information, please call the National Osteoporosis Foundation at 202-223-2226 or visit

I thought that passing this information to you was worthy of a post.


Talk to you later…..

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