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Posts Tagged ‘State Park Beach’

July 31st, 2010

On Gordons Pond, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Delaware State Park, Beach, Fishing, Delaware Beaches



After all these years, here, at the beaches in Delaware, I must admit that I had never spent a day at Gordons Pond in Rehoboth Beach.  You probably think, who cares?  Well, hmm…when my kids were growing up, and I was living in Bethany Beach, then I would either use the beach at 4th street, on the north side of the town of Bethany Beach or I would drive up to the State Park beach right in Fenwick Island.  Different beaches; both great.

After the move to Rehoboth Beach, then I would use the beach at Tower Road, south of Dewey Beach.  That beach was wide and plenty of parking.

It has been a while since I sat a whole day at the beach.  It seems that all of us friends are running in different directions, so we don’t see each other as much as we used to when our children were young and the beach was their playground.

Yesterday, I went with Susie to Gordons Pond.  This beach is part of the Delaware State Park system.  To access this beach you would have to take Ocean Drive and go all the way to the north end of Rehoboth Beach.  The entrance will be right there.

Gordons Pond is one of four migration “super highways” in North America; it is a popular resting spot for a wide variety of waterfowls.

Friday was a perfect day for the beach since Thursday’s storm brought low humidity and sunny skies to the beaches. 


Being that Gordons Pond is part of the Delaware State Park system, you do have an entrance fee of $4 for in-state vehicles and $8 for out-of-state. 

The beach is wide and the sand was very powdery.  Nice dunes protect this beach.  For a Friday, it was somewhat crowded and more so as the day progressed.

This beach had a dip as you entered the water and to me the water was freezing.  I thought by now it would have been a little warmer. 

I took a walk towards the north side of the beach.  On that side, it is permitted to fish.  One of those fishermen had just caught 2 small sharks.  Well, the kids were all excited and as I stopped they could not contained themselves; show and tell it was. Do not worry, the sharks were going to be released.



Further down the beach, standing guard, like ghosts from the past were 2 of the eleven WW II towers built along the Delaware and New Jersey coastlines.  Eight of them are in Delaware.  They were used as artillery spotting locations during that time in our history.  I wrote a post about these towers on April 18th.  If you would like to see it just click under Archives on the month of April and scroll down to the date.


These towers are beautiful and stand lonely at the beach.  These ones, at Gordons Pond, are particularly gorgeous.


Back at my beach chair I continued to enjoy my day.  Living on the coast; how lucky!!


Talk to you later….have a great week-end….

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