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Posts Tagged ‘Restauranteur’

August 27th, 2014

Salud To Matt Haley, Philanthropist, Restauranteur, Community Leader, Humanitarian…Delaware Beaches, Global Delaware, Southern Delaware, Sussex County, Matt Showed How to Cook, Eat & Enjoy Ourselves While Doing It!

Cooking comes from the heart….you can’t rush it.  Some have that special culinary gift, others, like most of us have to follow a recipe.  Matt Haley had that gift.  I have seen him reading a cookbook while having sushi at Saketumi in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.  Was he getting ideas for a new dish, adding a little bit of this or a little bit of that, I don’t know and I never asked him.

I met Matt through my website, AboutMyBeaches.  When I started the website in 2009, which is written in a blog style, it was because I wanted to promote the Delaware Beaches.  I love to eat and cook so it started that way, with me reviewing restaurants. I am not a professional, but I know what I like and how I like to be served.

Every time I would write about a restaurant in 2009 I would send an email to the contact on the website of the restaurant I had just visited.  Most brushed me aside.  But, Matt was the only one that every single time answered personally from his email address.  Later on my husband and I had a business relationship with him.

I remember writing to him about a friend of mine whose mother had gone to one of the restaurants and then they charged her $2 for replacing green beans….what?  He would say, Gloria, just take them on my dime to the restaurant.  I never did.  Another time, just recently, another friend mentioned something else.  Once again I did write….if I had a restaurant I would want to have someone of trust telling me what happened.  Don’t you think?  Anyway, I did and he never complained.

Farm to Table?  What is That?  Matt also showed us that the setting of a dining experience adds so much to the aura of savoring delicious, local food.


Always hands on, a dinner for Global Delaware, Matt’s non-profit, at Good Earth Market in Clarksville, Delaware, just west of Bethany Beach.  That’s the first time I attended such an event.  The idea of eating at a communal table, chatting and making new friends while raising funds for a worthy cause, was very appealing.


Cooking outdoors….local seafood, and veggies from the farm.  Here are some photos of that event.




Another Farm to Table Dinner at Indian River was memorable, as well.


Cooking outdoors took a different dimension here.  In the brush!!



About 150 strangers got together to enjoy local fish, veggies and each other.



On August of 2012, Matt invited my husband, John, and I to dinner at his home.  I called it the Spanish Contingency Dinner.  His guests were the 3 sisters of La Esperanza in Georgetown.  Let me tell you that these sisters loved Matt like a son.  He was so involved in La Esperanza, as well.  He told me that every time he went on a trip, they would bless him, and cry, etc. etc., not knowing what trouble he was going to get into. Ha, ha!  Their names?  Rosita, Maria and Asuncion.  Also in the group was a couple, Jose and Virginia who are the editors of Hoy en Delaware.  It was then that he told us that he had been invited to be on the Board of Freeman in Fenwick.  He was so excited!


I used to talk to Matt in Spanish, but to tell you the truth, he really did not understand much.  I used to tell him that I could not understand how he could be with all these Spanish speaking people and barely say “Si”.  It is the truth, and he would admit to it.

This was a great evening.  My husband, John, was loving it. Someone else cooking and him eating.  Matt and John had a really nice relationship.


Up to that afternoon, Matt did not know what he was cooking for dinner.  If it had been me, I would have been running around my house like a lunatic.  Not him; cool, calm and collected….and lucky too because someone dropped some fresh fish just in the knick of time.  A simple preparation, was all that was needed.  Salad and veggies were all done.



The rest of us brought desserts….Spanish desserts with me bringing my pride and joy…a Puertorican flan!

In the meantime, Matt asked me to stir something on the stove.  I asked him where his spatula was.  “I don’t have one”….what?  A chef with no spatula?  What is this?  All I could think was, how am I going to serve my flan?

Matt really did not have a spatula.  Here he is sliding the fish into the serving platter.  He did it but it would have been easier with a spatula.


My flan was served….it did not look too pretty but everyone said it was good.  It is hard to serve a plan with a plain knife!


It was an early evening.  Good company and great conversation….Matt admitting that he did like the those holiday favorites like green bean casserole!!  The traditional way, canned soup and all.

Matt did not have to worry about not having a spatula anymore….I did drop about 6 of them; all shapes and sizes, wishing him “Good Spatulating”.

Note:  At the beginning of September 2013, I saw Matt at Safeway.  That was his grocery store of choice.  He had just arrived from Europe, I believe.  We talked about my husband’s passing.  Then, he said his brother had died too a few months back.  No, now as I reflect on it, I am so sorry for his family’s loss.  I wish them peace.

At the Indian River Inlet Farm to Table Dinner, it was getting darker and we were all ready to leave.  I said “Matt, give me a smile.”  And, here it is!!  Good night, my friend!


Matt’s legacy continues.  Please visit  In it you will find everything about his companies, including the Memorial Service celebrating his life on Sunday, 9/28, at 2 p.m. at Freeman Stage at Bayside.

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