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Posts Tagged ‘New Year’s Eve Traditions’

December 31st, 2010

New Year’s Eve, Traditions, Resolutions….Expectations



I have been thinking about my New Year’s resolutions.  There are so many I would like to make and keep.  I know that is not going to happen.  I will try, though.  You know, be a better person, a better parent, a better friend, a better wife, exercise more, eat less.  Oh my, the list is so long, I am already tired and afraid I won’t be able to keep them up.  There is always next year.

Growing up in the Island of Puerto Rico, well, what can I say that after Thanksgiving you might as well not go to work.  The Holidays last so long, the “parrandas”, “asaltos”, “aguinaldos”, lechon, morzillas, pasteles, coquito, arroz con gandules; really, they are endless.

I found out that in Puerto Rico there is the tradition of throwing a bucket of water out into the streets; getting rid of the bad things, shall we say; preparing for all the good things to come. 

Another one is throwing sugar around and outside the house; warding off bad luck and bringing good luck into your lives.

I don’t know but I dont remember any of that.  I never saw my mother or grandmother throwing anything around to ward off this or that. 

But, the celebrations of the Ano Viejo and the welcoming of the Ano Nuevo, church and wearing something yellow the first day of the year for good luck; I do remember that.

And, how can anyone that has lived there forget the fireworks, some with real guns, and honking the horns at midnight.  You know it’s true.

If you speak Spanish then visit  This is called El Brindis del Bohemio or the Bohemian’s Toast.  It has always been a tradition at parties in Puerto Rico to first read this toast, which is so beautiful at this time of the year.

I usually don’t do much on New Year’s Eve.  Almost like been there and done that.  Everything is usually so expensive, the service is bad and the food is atrocious.  No thanks.  I am having lobster tonight, at home.

Two New Year’s come to mind.  Years ago I spent New Year’s in Spain.  A tradition of eating 12 grapes as the clock chimes to the New Year started in Spain.  During a big grape harvest the King of Spain decided to give grapes for everyone to eat at New Year’s.  Latin American countries observe this tradition; Puerto Rico being one of them.  I had such a good time in Madrid trying to make it in time for New Year’s when by mistake I took the wrong train. I made it just in time to eat my first grape.

The other one was in Bethany Beach, Delaware when friends hosted a Murder Mystery Party.  Everyone was in character until the end. 

Most other years, I pretty much have friends over.  This year it will be my husband and I, which reminds me.  I better go downstairs and start cooking….


See you, Happy New Year!!!  Have a great evening…

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