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Posts Tagged ‘Hurricane Irene’

August 27th, 2011

Irene, Irene, Calgon Take Me Away….Delaware Beaches, Riding the Storm



The “Extreme” is what has been happening in my neck of the woods, which is Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.  Besides having Extreme Makeover: Home Edition causing a stir in the community.  A good stir, by the way.  We have had a drought, an earthquake, a tornado, a hurricane, and now I have too much food in anticipation of the electricity taking a break.

I have cooked like I have a shelter going on.  My neighbors are here, so maybe they might want to stop by.  Wind and rain.  Addy, my rescue is under the bed.  No sight of her for some time, I imagine.

In the turmoil of preparation, there has been humor.

I have the friends in Rehoboth that went to get their dog from the kennel and the Town of Rehoboth would not let them back in.  They thought they would come here but they managed to sneak back into town. I don’t know if they have much food; their neighbors are there too.  They are all locals and they can handle the weather, if you get my drift.

I had not heard from Missy.  She is my partner in crime.  She loves scrapple as much as I do.  Her husband is a River Pilot.  I do want to thank him and his fellow pilots for doing the work that is so dangerous; moving those boats, ships, ferries on the Delaware Bay.  I had to call her.  They are riding the storm, as well.  She is going to miss us next year.

Then, Victoria is also in town.  She and her husband, Tom, own Red Square on Rehoboth Avenue.  Martinis, anyone?  She has the good stuff.  In Rehoboth, as well.

My other partner in crime, Shelley, is in Roxana, Delaware which is west of Bethany Beach.  At her farm her parents are with her and a few other people.  They are planning their next meal; already they have had two.  She has a game planned for them.  It is called “Let’s Polish Shelley’s Silver”.  We will see how that goes.

Shelley really would like to be with Susan.  She has the Karaoke machine.

Then, my husband, decided to go to the office.  He has his own real estate company.  You never know who would want to buy oceanfront (his specialty) during the hurricane.  Would flood insurance be an issue?

Finally, I do have to thank the Weather Channel.  Instead of getting me all worked up this a.m., it was “comedy hours” watching Mike Seidel (from Salisbury, Maryland), anchor himself to the sand in Nags Head.  Have they watched themselves during those situations.  I hope they keep it going.  I believe Ocean City, Maryland is next on the Weather Channel’s “eye”. 

So, if you wonder why did I decided to write a blog?  You know, already, don’t you?


Got to go and check the oven…talk to you later…

August 26th, 2011

Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Hurricane Irene Readiness, Delaware Beaches



Delaware orders mandatory evacuation and designates shelters ahead of Hurricane Irene.  For information that may pertain to your situation, please visit

If you want to see what’s going on at the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk you can check the live cam at

If you are worry about your pet, please know that shelters are accepting pets, within reason.  Don’t think you can take a horse, though.  If you do need to go to a shelter, just check ahead of time.

I decided to see how the town of Rehoboth Beach was reacting to the news that visitors needed to evacuate like yesterday. 


The first think I noticed on Rt. 1 which is Coastal Highway, was that somewhat of an exodus was taking place. 


Rehoboth Avenue first looked dead, but as I got closer to the Boardwalk it was busier and people were still eating, God forbid, all the Boardwalk grub.


Some of the stores were boarding up.



Five Guys had an “open” sign.  It must have been a joke.  Just one guy outside.  I think he had his tip jar there, as well.


You can see that the Boardwalk was definitely quiet.


The beaches were getting ready for Irene.


The north side of the Boardwalk was even quieter.  A few houses boarding up. 



 Safeway was open but definitely boarded.


The groceries stores are well stocked but don’t look for size D batteries.  You won’t find them.

A lot of the restaurants will be closing.  Call ahead if you are in need of eating out.

I am worried about my fig tree.  Of course they are starting to get ripe.  The tree looks gorgeous this year and about 400 figs or more are on the tree.  I am sure they will be gone on Sunday.



All in all, the Delaware Beaches are doing what they need to do.  I think we are ready.  We will see.  Wish us luck.


Update:  Some weeks ago I mentioned that Hanna was a student from Bulgaria that had been working at Gelato Gal located on Coastal Highway in Rehoboth Beach.  Her time in Rehoboth is almost up.  She wanted to leave us a mural that depicted the Rehoboth dining scene.  Thanks Hanna.  It does look beautiful and I am glad you got to finish it before the hurricane got here.  Hope you can come back and visit us again soon.  Good luck in your upcoming year.



Talk to you later…

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