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Posts Tagged ‘Dale Dunning’

August 24th, 2011

DE Serving, Many Soupers helping One Woman Achieve her Mission



That’s what they are called; Soupers.  They have been helping Reverend Dunning for years; they are fiercely loyal to her and her mission.

Now they are jumping for joy since their mission will expand. 

I decided to take the bus ride to the site.  I wanted to see what all this was all about.  First, I needed my t-shirt and badge.


The location is the Lewes Georgetown Highway (Rt. 9) and the corner of Coolspring Rd.  Don’t even try to drive and park there.  No way, they won’t let you.  It is, after all, a construction site.  What you need to do is go to Cape Henlopen High School in Lewes.  At the tent, give them your name and you will get a visitor’s badge.  The bus comes and goes every 20 minutes.


I kept thinking I had seen him somewhere.  He looked so familiar.  I found out that Elvis was riding my bus!!  This Elvis impersonator was performing at the VIP tent.

They had done so much by 2:30 p.m.  An earthquake did not deter them.  They are Extreme, for crying out loud.  There was work to be done, a ranch to be finished, so idle chit chat was not going to happen.


I met Tom.  He was finishing his shift.  Early in the morning there was filming accomplished.  Tom looked tired, hot and ready to go home.  Still, he had a smile on his face.

I was not there for very long.  But, that’s all it took to get into the excitement of it all. 


The effect of human kindness, is a sense of well being…I get, I get!!   It is truly priceless…


Note:  Jusst Sooup Ministry website is  The CD with the inspired song Just Soup can be bought locally at Browseabout Books on Rehoboth Avenue.

Talk to you later….

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